Bob Phibbs Posts by Bob Phibbs

Line of men in suits and one in shorts
How To Get Your Dealers and Franchisees To Follow Your System

As a retail consultant, one of the most universal concerns major brands and franchisors ask me is, "How can I get franch...

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Difference between learning, training, and coaching
The Perils of Passive Learning: Why Retail Needs Active Training and Impactful Coaching

Updated May 20, 2024 Managers, have you ever shown an employee a training video or document and considered them “trained...

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Not Just Following Orders: 10 Tips To Manage Change And Produce Positive Results

As a retail shop owner or manager, it's crucial to understand that the success of any training program is not just about...

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Christmas tree with presents and fire
Retail Outlook Bright for 2023 Holidays Despite Concerns

Despite economic uncertainty and inflation concerns, the 2023 holiday shopping season is shaping up to be a big one for ...

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The 5 Shifts Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Are Making to Generate Up to 20% Higher Profits Every Month

Are you a hungry brick-and-mortar store owner who’s ready for a fresh, people-obsessed strategy? This training is for you if you want to grow your business using a powerful customer experience formula proven to make your cash register chirp.