Posts about Retail Holiday Sales

Young women at register
10 Retail Sales Training Tips For the Holidays

The holidays are here, and I'm convinced some of you will have banner retail sales. Why? Because you have set aside the ...

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Holiday hourglass
A 30-Minute Pre-Check to Prepare your Store for the Holidays

At this time of year, there are many holiday preparation articles about how brick-and-mortar retailers can have a profit...

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Santa using a laptop
How To Use Email Marketing Now To Increase Retail Sales In December

Updated July 19, 2024 Ready to transform December's holiday shoppers into loyal patrons through email marketing? Make th...

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Santa eating candy corn
Why Retailers Should Display Christmas Merchandise Before Halloween

Updated for relevance September 25, 2023 Why do retailers put out Christmas merchandise before Halloween? Because custom...

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The 5 Shifts Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Are Making to Generate Up to 20% Higher Profits Every Month

Are you a hungry brick-and-mortar store owner who’s ready for a fresh, people-obsessed strategy? This training is for you if you want to grow your business using a powerful customer experience formula proven to make your cash register chirp.