"Brick and mortar can do one thing that online retailers can't..."
You Can Compete: How to Stop Getting Your Butt Kicked By Online Competitors
The flawed assumption nearly every traditional retailer makes is that they'll edge out their online competitors by beating them on price. But with rising costs in both leases as well as labor, this just isn't sustainable.
However, there is one thing that brick and mortar retailers can do that by design online retailers won't ever do. In "You Can Compete," Bob outlines the startlingly simple but mostly overlooked insight that will help you to not just grow your profitability but reinvent your business as a whole.

Program book description:
PSA for traditional retailers: getting into a price war with online competitors is your fast track to foreclosure. Leasing and labor cost more than ever, two massive expenses that most online retailers don’t have to pay. It feels like a no-win situation.
And yet, you’re still in this fight (and still reading this) for a reason. You believe you can beat your online competition, and so does the Retail Doctor Bob Phibbs. His power-packed keynote introduces you to the secret weapon online retailers can never replicate. You will learn how to grow your profitability and reinvent your business. You can keep losing… or you can get your butt in the seat ready to learn how to win this fight for good.
Given how quickly brick and mortar stores are going out of business, it seems like reestablishing a profitable model is completely out of reach. Sales are dwindling, and the holiday shopping season is becoming less and less of a reliable source of revenue.
But what most traditional retailers don’t realize is that retail sales isn’t that hard to perfect. In this keynote, Bob will teach your team the key ingredient for not just increasing your sales but creating a sustainable business model for the long-term.

Bob’s “You Can Compete” motivational speech is his most sought after keynote by retailers, associations, and luxury brands. Using everything from paper airplanes to blown-up balloons, he finds fun-loving ways to teach his audience that trying to compete with online retailers on price will only dig them further into a hole.
He even underlines this point by making a mess out of a chocolate cake.

“You Can Compete” isn’t presented in a vacuum. Bob will customize this presentation to suit the specific interests and needs of your audience for the best learning experience possible. His “tell it like it is” persona coupled with his enthusiasm creates a perfect learning environment and he fills his talk with advice you can immediately put to practice.
During this session, you will learn:
- Increase your sales by 20, 40, or even 60% within six months
- Recognize the largest group of potential customers you’ve been ignoring
- Find, train, and manage employees you look forward to working with each day
- Identify and remove unenthusiastic employees sucking the life out of your business
- Save money on advertising by attracting more business through word of mouth
When it comes to growing your business successfully in a competitive market and a shaky outlook, Bob, The Retail Doctor, Phibbs will be your guide. Let him show you how to make small changes that produce big results.
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