The Retail Doctor Blog

SalesRX Customer Success Story: Tim Coleman of Coleman's Music

Written by Bob Phibbs | January 28, 2022

“One of the store managers told me yesterday that he took a customer who was guarded and did not want to interact and ended up selling him a couple of thousand dollars worth of gear.”

Coleman's Music Results 

  • A way to productively use staff time during lockdowns
  • A standardized system for staff training
  • More meaningful interactions with customers
  • A customer service focus among sales associates

How SalesRX helped Coleman's Music build a reliable sales system

  • Roleplay activities to model correct behaviors
  • Self-paced online materials
  • Expert tutors
  • Specialized advice to suit your context

What challenges did you have before you started with SalesRX?

My name is Tim Coleman, and my company is Coleman's Music. We are a musical instrument store from Melbourne, Australia. 

When we joined SalesRX, we had already started a lockdown, so our business in Melbourne had been closed. We took this as an opportunity to reinvent ourselves so that we could be a better version of what we were before when we came out at the other end. 

It is like, okay, we have to use our people's time wisely. One of the first things to do was to look for a better way to train our staff, and that is where we found SalesRX.

What was your eureka moment?

The SalesRX program is positive. It is all about finding connections with the customer. Seeing Bob and Mary doing the role play and how it would work makes it clear it will work.

The staff gets to practice lighthearted scenarios with us, and then all they have to do is go out there and not think of it as a technique but just think about it the way we practiced. 

My eureka moment for thinking that this would work was doing the comeback sprint and watching how this truly works. 

Multiple staff members found success by building rapport with the customer and having a good conversation centered on their interests. It takes away the guard of the customer. 

How did SalesRX help you?

So far, the major transformation has been looking at the customers and asking yourself how you can befriend them. 

It can only be beneficial in the long term that the staff have a better attitude towards every person walking in the store.

Would you recommend SalesRX?

For anyone looking for a training program with SalesRX, you have a structure that you can roll out over a long period. 

You can start with existing employees and then with every new person who comes along. They are going to have precisely the same program. 

It is as easy as giving them the materials to go over, and you have got a system that will roll out pretty well. 

At the core of SalesRX is a positive attitude toward customers and customer service. That is essentially what retail should be about.

Read other customer success stories or watch Tim's video testimonial here

SalesRX online retail sales training is available 24/7 365 days a year for retailers looking to gain an advantage against their online competitors. Find out more here or take a free trial below.