The Retail Doctor Blog

Black Friday Sets the Tone for a Great Holiday Season

Written by Bob Phibbs | November 01, 2011

As a regular reader of this blog, hopefully by now you are aware of the doom and gloom that can permeate your business and are ready to take action.

A little reminder of what Black Friday originally looked like ...

Friday November 25, 2011, the day after Thanksgiving, has long served as the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season since the start of the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade back in 1924. The term “Black Friday” only began to appear in 1960 and 1970 Philadelphia media accounts to refer to the busiest shopping and traffic day in the city; when the streets and department stores of downtown Philadelphia were mobbed by shoppers.

By the 1980s, an “urban legend” began circulating that “Black Friday” was the day that retailers move from “red ink” (losses) to “black ink” (profits). The entire time from “Black Friday” through the last week in December can be a time of year when your company not only erases all loses from the previous three quarters, but positions itself to become profitable year-round.

The anticipation and hubbub of activity surrounding Black Friday in the 1960s and 1970s was thrilling.

It’s time to rekindle that positive spirit. Before this holiday season even begins, refocus your sales staff, and emphasize the quality and value of what you have to offer.

Give your customers the feeling that, even if they are on limited budgets, they do not have to “settle,” when they can give luxuries!

You can read my white paper, Grow Your Bricks and Mortar Business During the Holiday Season